w w w . a q u a m e n t u s . c o m

laps and lashes: STL-compatible C++ datastructures

laps and lashes are ordered (like std::list), associative (like std::map) data structures. They have the same behavior and API, but differ in implementation; laps are implemented as a tree (like std::map, giving logarithmic time for insert, query, and removal), whereas lashes are implemented as a hash (giving (amortized) constant time for insert, query, and removal).

Why create the lap? Because it fills a niche not covered by any one STL class. std::list is not associative, so you cannot perform a key-value lookup. std::map is not ordered, so you cannot retrieve objects from it in the order that you added them. laps bridge that gap.

laps and lashes have iterator subclasses, so you can use them just like any STL class. In particular, they can be used with STL algorithms such as find and remove (though they have their own member functions for both of those functions).

The hashing algorithm used by lash is specific to text strings, and is something I found on the internet. If you use anything other than std::string as the key value, you will want to define your own hash function for that type. It's structured as a template specialization, which sounded like a good idea at the time but I haven't tried to pretend to be a general user and define my own function to see if it actually works. Enjoy! :)

Source code

Templates being templates, all the code is in a single .h file. STL being STL, there probably should not be a .h in the actual file name.

Note that I put these in namespace std just to align with STL.

tree-based implementation: lap.h
hash-based implementation: lash.h


methods common to both lap and lash
long size() Returns the number of elements
bool empty() Returns whether it is empty
void push_front(T key, U value) Adds a new data item to the front
void push_back(T key, U value) Adds a new data item to the back
std::pair<T, U> pop_front() Removes and returns the item from the front
std::pair<T, U> pop_back() Removes and returns the item from the back
std::pair<T, U> peek_front() Returns (but does not remove) the item at the front
std::pair<T, U> peek_back() Returns (but does not remove) the item at the back
iterator begin() Returns an iterator pointing to the front (first element)
iterator end() Returns an iterator pointing past the end (last element)
iterator rbegin() Returns an iterator pointing to the end (last element)
iterator rend() Returns an iterator pointing past the front (first element)
iterator find(T key) If key exists, returns the iterator pointing to it; otherwise, returns end()
void insert(iterator it, T key, U data) Adds a new data item before it
iterator erase(iterator it) Removes an element. Returns an iterator pointing to the next element.
iterator clear() Clears out all contained data and resets the datastructure.
methods common to lap::iterator and lash::iterator
void operator++() "Increments" the iterator to the next element, where "increment" means going front-to-back for forward iterators and back-to-front for reverse iterators. This is the pre-increment operator.
void operator--() "Decrements" the iterator to the previous element, where "decrement" means going back-to-front for forward iterators and front-to-back for reverse iterators. This is the pre-increment operator.
T first() Dereferences the iterator to get the key
U second() Dereferences the iterator to get the value
bool operator==(const iterator &rhs) Returns if two iterators are the same
bool operator!=(const iterator &rhs) Returns if two iterators are not the same
interator& operator=(const iterator &rhs) Assigns one iterator to point to the same place another does.
methods specific to lap
lap() Default constructor
lap(const lap &) Copy constructor. Makes laps safe for passing around as function parameters, but the internal objects are only owned by the original lap instance. As such, don't try to modify any copies.
lap& operator=(const lap &) Assignment operator. Same as for the copy constructor, the assignment operator makes it possible to assign lap objects; however, ownership of the internal data stays with the original object, so don't try to modify any assigned objects.
methods specific to lash
lash() Default constructor
lash(const lash &) Copy constructor. Makes lashes safe for passing around as function parameters, but the internal objects are only owned by the original lash instance. As such, don't try to modify any copies.
lash& operator=(const lash &) Assignment operator. Same as for the copy constructor, the assignment operator makes it possible to assign lash objects; however, ownership of the internal data stays with the original object, so don't try to modify any assigned objects.
void reserve(int new_capacity) Expands the capacity of the hash table to hold new_capacity items. If you know how many items you'll be adding, reserving avoids resizing.
friend functions
ostream& operator<<(ostream&, lap&) Overloaded for easy printing. It iterates through a lap from front to back and prints out every key-value pair, once per line.
ostream& operator<<(ostream&, lash&) Overloaded for easy printing. It iterates through a lash from front to back and prints out every key-value pair, once per line.


#include <iostream>
#include <lap>

using namespace std;

int main(int, char**) {

   lap<string, int> foo;

   foo.push_back("ab", 3);
   foo.push_back("cd", 4);
   foo.push_front("ef", 2);
   foo.push_front("gh", 1);
   cout << "initial size: " << foo.size() << endl;

   cout << "size after erasing: " << foo.size() << endl;

   foo.insert(foo.find("ef"), "ij", 42);
   cout << "size after inserting: " << foo.size() << endl;

   cout << "In order:" << endl;
   for (lap<string, int>::iterator it = foo.begin();
         it != foo.end();
         ++it) {
      cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << endl;

   // play around with associated data:
   foo.find("ab")->second = 1234;
   foo.find("gh")->second = 2345;
   foo.push_front("kl", 234);
   foo.insert(foo.find("kl"), "mn", 89);

   cout << "After messing with it:" << endl;
   for (lap<string, int>::iterator it = foo.begin();
         it != foo.end();
         ++it) {
      cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << endl;

   cout << "After clearing: " << endl;
   cout << foo;

June 12, 2010